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Old 11-03-2009, 01:47 PM   #107 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Nataliiiieeee View Post
I read a Remus/Hermione as a past fic, too
I don't really like cross-generations, that's really gross (Hermione/Snape/Lucius?? EWW!)
Eeep, I know someone who likes Sev/ 'Mione, and that totally freaks me out. =O But I thought Remus/ 'Mione was really cute. Where did you read it? I read it here - on SS, I mean - by Cookie [Fortune_Cookie, I think]. She was - and is - one of my fave SS writers... unfortunately, she left. =[
Actually, fics like that are mostly on AFF or Restricted Section, where all the NC-17 are
Well, I began to write 13+ when I was still eleven, so it figures that I read a lot of more mature fics. But some of them are just so well-written! I'm reading this wonderful D/G... I should send you the linkie.
Dramione through and through ^___^
Is it just me or am I quoting Harry? O.o
I don't think Harry would say "Dramione through and through."
Thanks!! =D
I really love making graphics

Wow, you're really fast with the chapters! *pets Maxie*
You are also awesome at them, so that helps, I guess. =P

Fast? Not really... I mean, it's my AMAZING readers. <3 I'm usually ahead of them by a few chapters when writing a fic, so I can always update when I have a few comments. ^^

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