This will be about Scorpiosu and Rose, writing letters to one another. It all begins with a letter to the other, they hate eachtoher, but they were bored and ecided to write eachother.will include a random friend here and there.
Rose Weasley:MissWeasley
Scorpious Malfoy
Blaise Zambini Jr. :Herminny
( bio)
Julia Finnigain
James S. Potter
( me)
Albus Potter:Miss Weasley
Lily Potter:Miss Weasley
Hugo Weasley:Ellabella
( bio)
Fred Weasley
Mewill be not a very big character, just will be around with James like all the time.
Ellie Derinzo:Ginny Wright
Scorpious Malfoy:
Year:6th year
urer than Pure
appearence:Grey eyes, pale skin, muscular from quidditch blond hair, constantly flicky it away from hsi face
Personality:Rude to those he dislikes, Rose Weasley,I s every girls dream, Prince of Slytheirin and Loves it.
James Potter
Year:7th Year
Blood:half blood
Appearence:brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, has a nice build from quidditch(very hot!)looks like James Potter sr.
Personality:is a plain out prankster, he likes Jules! can be very sweet, and is nutso protective of Lily, and Rose, and all female cousins.
add a bio like this if you want to be a character!
take it slow!I don't want ot rip through pages to fast or people will get lost
EDIT: there will be times when they will be over eachtohers hosues!
Thanks and Apply
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