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Old 11-02-2009, 12:01 AM   #175 (permalink)

Lupin's ♥ for Tonks
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Join Date: Jul 2005
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Roman J. Lupin
First Year
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Originally Posted by Moaning_Myrtle View Post
"Well when you black out, are you sleeping or are you like, sleepwalking?" Myrtle wouldd diagnose her JakeyWakey, worry not!

"Thinking is for Ravenclaws," the ghost shook her pigtails around. "You know that Chamber of Secrets girl almost KILLLLLLED someone. She was like strangling chickens and stuff."

Myrtle knew allllllll about that tooooo. She could tell Jakey stories that would make his eyeballs as big and round and glassy as her spectacles were.

"THE Merpeople Fiasco, it wasn't just ANY fiasco," Myrtle spoke up. "It was all last term. I was a hero. There should be some history books out there about me if you want to do some research."

Annnnd if not.... well! About time somebody wrote one!

"Of course I have a heroic story," Myrtle interjected. "I knew all about the Mepeople trying to take over from the start. Smelly fishes. And I led team out to the cave where the Merprincess was locked..."

*pigtail flip*

"For more details, you'll just have to buy my memoirs though." Maybe Myrtle, since she couldn't hold a pen and all, would get Jakey to write them for her. It was a disgrace that these children didn't already know who she was.
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr View Post
"I... well," Jake thought for a moment about how to explain, and lowered his voice so the other people hanging roung near them wouldn't listen in. "I, like... wuh-well... one minute I'm luh-like... one place... and ih-ih-it's llllike I buh-blink... and I'm somewhere else... Usuallllllly in tuh-tuh-trouble," the boy noted, though it was more of an off-hand thing.

He was usually in trouble, no biggie.

When Myrtle mentioned the girl that nearly killed someone, Jake bit down hard on his lip, and lowered his voice even more, shuffling closer. "I hhhhhad thuh-this duh-duh-dream... And in it uh-uh-I kuh-killled someone," he confided in the ghost. "It fffffelt ruh-real..."
Originally Posted by Moaning_Myrtle View Post
Myrtle's wide, blank eyes widened even more until her pimply, spectacled face could rival Sibyll Trelawney's.

"Jaaaaaaaaaaaakeyyyyy!" she moaned as sneakily as possible. Myrtle didn't do subtle.

"That doesn't sound like suitable behaviour for a knight in shining armour," she whispered at him urgently. "Who did you kill.............. in this 'dream'? Where did it happen? Do you think he is still there? Can we go see? Maybe there's a bodddddy. Maybe there's another student ghostieeeee out there just seeeeeking my friendship!"

Myrtle's eyes were alight with the prospect of a fellow ghost in her age group, as opposed to the dry and dull older ghosts like Nick and Helena.

"Jakey! We should go exploring!" Myrtle bobbed in place and "wrapped" her other arm around Jake's again, sending another chill through the boy. "Show meeee the dead studenty!!!"
"Well, Myrtle I'm sure it would be a bestseller," Rafe said. It would be most interesting to read her book. He doubted very many ghosts had many books or anything that interesting to be written about, but Myrtle certainly came in contact with some famous wizards and witches over the years.

Rafe couldn't help but overhear little bits and pieces the conversation Jake was having with Myrtle he was standing right there after all. Something about a dead body got him thinking. "Wait are you talking about that dead kid found in the secret passageway?" Rafe said shivering at the thought of what he had seen. "I think the body was taken to Hospital Ward. It seemed to have been very hush, hush because I haven't heard much spoke about it since. I didn't see what happened, just the body, never met the poor bloke."

Rafe hadn't really told anyone what he had saw, but he never was asked. He figured it would be all over school and this was the first time he actually heard anyone speak of it.
This is how I roll, animal print pants out control.

This is how I roll, come on ladies it's time to go!

Last edited by MoviegoerKinz; 11-02-2009 at 12:11 AM.
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