Originally Posted by
Whitterz He blinked at Lucille. "Faceless? Why would you give her that impression?" He turned his gaze to Warren and gave him a look that said he didn't get females at all. It was true; they were all crazy. Except Brody.
He then headed over to where Shana was lying and bent down over her. "Lucille has a face and you do too. There is no way she could take your face from you."
She wished he would stop blinking at her. It made her feel liiitle.
"I..er...well..i was invisible," she said, as if that covered the matter.
Well she was...... Quote:
Originally Posted by
ChloeeCloverr Screaming too much to hear Lucille tell her she had a face and that she'd been lying she flailed her arms.Calming down only slightly as she banged into Warren she sheilded her face.And then TOORRRIN! Clinging onto Torin she sniffled and whimpered."The-The-HERRR! The faceless girl she stollleeee my faaaaceeeee!" She yelled flailing her arms before re-ataching them to Torin.
"Whaaaaaaa......!!!!!!!!!!!!" Said Lucille, looking at shana but still avoiding Torin. Which was hard, as she thought shana was about to thottle him she was clinging on so tight.
Originally Posted by
WarrenBLUDx Warren quickly hugged Shana as she banged into him and then let go as she ran to Torin. Torin was standing next to Warren, he put his hand on Shana's back. ''Stolen your face? Lucille hasn't stolen your face'' he said softly. ''No one can still your face! your face is Shana Millers face, and Shana Millers face only! No one can ever take that away from you'' he smiled whilst trying to comfort his friend.
Yes. Exactly.