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Old 10-31-2009, 03:27 PM   #26 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Royse Witkin
Seventh Year
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Default Catching upppppppppp
sugary sweet Evil Pastry Lady

Originally Posted by BladeyNerd View Post
Fia wrapped her fingers around Miles' hand as they walked inside the dungeon room. She giggled as her shoulders scrunched up and her hand went to where her mouth would have been if she wasn't wearing a HEADLESS HAT. They were celebrating with NEARLY Headless Nick as it was a PARTY for the dead. "So like, no one will know it's us," she whispered, moving closer into Miles as they walked. She looked around the room seeing that one of her favorite ghosts of the school was already chatting with another student. "There he is." Ghosts were just...MADE OF AWESOME!
Miles grinned as Fia wrapped her fingers around his hand. Looking over his shoulder he laughed. She looked funny with no head. " theory..." there was a problem about theories though...they almost always failed. Looking with his hidden head he spotted the ghost talking with someone. "So I see..."

Originally Posted by dan arjay View Post
Daniel looked around and saw two others coming. He straightened up and arranged his zombie outfit (Frankenstein per se). He smiled and said,"Hello, at last. How are you?" he then looked at their costumes, "You both look terribly great!" he said as a compliment.
Hearing someone speaking to them he smiled and put on a little bow, "Why thank you. We are horribly well. Yourself?" He said with a small chuckle. Oh this party was just great!

Originally Posted by BladeyNerd View Post
Fia looked up and had to wave with her free hand. "Thanks," she spoke behind the headless hat. "Ohhhh you are....that dude! The one that was made out of parts...with bolts in his head!" Oh it was that muggle story that she wanted to read but hadn't yet. "You look GREAT!" She clapped her hands together and she was smiling...but no one could see.
Originally Posted by dan arjay View Post
"Thank you." he said smiling at her. He didn't overdid the costume afterall. "And his name is Frankenstein, by the way. If you like, I can lend you the book." he said looking at them.

Then he saw a fellow Gryffindor.
Hearing Fia speaking to the Zombie boy he looked around and took in his costume. Frankenstein...that's cool! He remembered reading that book awhile ago. He pursed his lips as the boy offered to lend Fia the book but no one could see.

Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
Adrienne had seen the notice in the common room for the deathday party, and, since she'd always thought Nearly Headless Nick was a nice ghost, even if he was the Gryffindor house ghost, she figured she could be nice back and support him at his party. Besides, she figured other students would go, so at least she could talk to people.

And she could wear some of her more . . . dressy shoes. Because she wasn't about to try and figure out a costume. And she didn't figure there were going to be too many places she could wear the Louboutins she currently had on her feet. And, she thought with a giggle, at least they were black, so certain people, if they deigned to make an appearance, couldn't have too many arguments.

Stepping into the room in the dungeons, she wrinkled her nose momentarily as the stench of rotten food hit her, but straightened her face out and smiled as she approached the ghost. "Happy death day, Nick," she said politely, before glancing around to see who else was there. Not too many people yet, but she stifled a giggle at two fairly familiar headless torsos. Heading over, she grinned before saying, "That's a good look for you, Miles, Fia." At least she would know some people there, even if she couldn't see their heads.
Then people started arriving and that Ravie girl...the one with the shoes...who's name was...ah forget it he wasn't going to remember. Smiling he did a little dance. Now there was a sight. A headless body doing a dance. BAHA!! "Spooky enough for you?" What was her name...who knew...she was now shoe girl!!!
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