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Reid was startled out of his thoughts when he felt something rush into him. He had been so lost that he stumbled slightly when he was bombarded by the person. Righting himself before he could fall he turned his head to his left and smiled down at Rach.
"Hullo," he said to her, noticing how excited she looked and surmising that she either had things to tell him or something she wanted to give him. Or it could of course be both. He himself knew that he still had to give Rach her Christmas present, although he was rather apprehensive about it and so was debating whether or not to go buy a new one and just put off giving it to her under the pretense that he didn't carry it with him everywhere he went.
"What's going on?" he asked to show that he was interested in what she may want to say or do.
"I've got your present!" Rachel answered happily, with an excited nod and slightly nervous smile. It was a bit. . . Over the top for her but all in all, she kind of liked it. Plus it was a mixture of muggle and magic so she really liked it.
Taking a deep breath, she took out the tiny
box from her pocket and handed it to Reid, eying it with suppressed delight. After agonising for DAYS over what to get him, she had finally decided on getting him this present. The moment she had seen it she KNEW that it would look good on Reid - but instead of just buying it and stopping there, she went for a trip to Diagon Alley and got a specialist to cast a little charm on it. . .
A charm that, in her opinion, made the gift all the more cute.
"If you don't like it - tell me," she said, her voice serious. She HATED it when people lied about things like this... It really annoyed her. She much rather they told her that they didn't like it.
Of course, she preferred it when they DID like it and weren't forced to lie. And she really really hoped he liked it.