I thought I posted here. 
Sorry for not being around, Otty, but I was SO sure I had posted here. I mean, I read all the time, but I don't always review each time but... *smacks head in wall* Talk about being a bad reader, that's the one reason I don't comment on most of the fics I read. *hides from you* Quote:
Originally Posted by
“He was a squib, you didn’t need to …” a girl cried. “Mr. Sanders.”
Bellatrix slapped the girl hard across the face.
“Silence lamb.”
She is evil, so VERY evil. *locks her up* Quote:
“You crazy idiot you’re going to get us killed and this train derailed!” Ottery shouted.
“I just saved your scrawny hide, you twit,” Teddy complained.
“No, thank you. You just tried to blow me off the train along with the bloody train!”
I LOVE<3 this bit. LOVE the convo, just love it. VERY well-written, good humour. Brilliant is NOT the word. Throw some adjectives at me, yo! Quote:
“They call me Spider Robinson,” the man replied. “Want to see why?”