Okay kids, the MeanNurse is going to bed, it's been a big day NeeNee Omniscient Omnipotent Pie Maker Quote:
Originally Posted by LilFox06 "There is no need to yell Healer Avalon." Carter said calmly. "And I am not too young to assist in a hospital. I've had plenty of experience. My parents are humanitarians and I've gone with them on all of their trips. Yes, I am a first year, but every single student that has walked in that door has been healed." he said standing up for himself and Healer Melita. He then looked over at Professor Lawson. "Expect whoever Professor Lawson has behind the curtain. He was waiting on Healer Melita, but he's been here awhile, so I'm sure he'd be very pleased if you took a look at his student." WHO WAS THIS CHILD AND WHAT DID HE THINK HE WAS DOING TELLING HER WHAT WAS WHAT?
"I am only going to say this once more," Cari said, suddenly so deadly calm anyone with a sense of self preservation would do well to take note, pulling her wand out of its holster, yes folks, she still has her wand. "And then I'm going to do the same thing I do with all students who break the rules of my hospital. 'This is MY hospital wing. I make the rules. I decide who works here. You do not work here. Only students who have sat their OWLs and have proven their prowess in the necessary subjects may work for me. Students who loiter can and will be the unfortunate victims of banishing charms.'" Schroeder whined, he didn't like seeing Mistress so... unhappy.
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