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Old 10-27-2009, 11:31 PM   #410 (permalink)
Sneakeh Cat

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Yay, Hamlet! • Cathopper • Disney Fanatic • I was normal once...

Originally Posted by Daffy.Potter View Post
Haha! YES! Score.

Livvy grinned as Jack fell over and clung to his broom. Finally the boy was down. About time too. She was about to wonder if he was even human or even perceptible to all the snowballs she had thrown in his direction. Finally. She glanced over to look at Plymmie and Willow to see if they were going to celebrate her victory. Livvy felt oddly powerful.


... Moving on.

The Ravenclaw girl circled around in the sky, searching for someone to throw a snowball at. And whaaaaa? Whow was calling her name? Livvy glanced up to see Reese, just as she was about to throw her snowball. Ohhhh shoot. She saw Livvy bullying her boyfriend. EEEPPP.

Livvy shrieked slightly as she dodged the snowball, but she wasn't fast enough for it ended up hitting the end of her broom. The girl spun in circles as she held onto the broom tightly, hoping that she wouldn't fall. Especially that high up in the sky.

Payback time. "OH REEEEEEESE..." Livvy yelled out in a sing-song voice, and launched a snowball at her friend.
Originally Posted by Miss Lissy Lou View Post
Whoa whoa WHOOOOOA. What was this nonsense!? Out of nowhere, Jack felt like he was being pelted with a barrage of snowballs...oh wait, that's cause he WAS. He looked up and spotted Jake throwing every snowball in his arsenal at him, and that, added to ANOTHER snowball that was dropped on his head a few minutes later, nearly made him fall off his broom AGAIN! All this snow was making it wet and slippery and hard to hold on to!

Before he got a chance to retailate, Jake was gone, flying up to the center of the pitch and going WAYYY in the air. BOOOOO. Jack would get him eventually...even if he had to wait all day. Hehe.

To ease his waiting time, he took the last snowball he had in his hands and flew over towards Reese, throwing it at the back of her shoulder. He didn't fly away, however, he just crossed his arms and looked in the other direction, and started whistling. Hehe. Reese was TOO fun to mess with!
Reese took her attention away from Livvy - which was a bad idea, may I add - and watched all the people nearby her throwing snowballs at eachother. That's when she noticed Jake. She narrowed her eyes at her brother when he threw the last of his snowballs at Jack and flew high up in the sky. If she wasn't afraid that she would slip right off her broom if she went up that high, she would have went after him. Even if she was to go after him, she wouldn't leave Livvy since she was having a snowball fight with her. Speaking of Livvy...

Hearing her name being sung horribly out of tune, she looked right back towards the girl. Sadly, she didn't have time to dodge the snowball, so her head made contact with the thing. Eep! That snowball was cold. Very cold. The impact of the snowball made her body move, which made her almost fall of the broom. Which, she would have done if she didn't quickly cling herself to the broom. Honestly, she did NOT want to fall down because not only would she not beable to fly right back into the game but also a) she was pretty far up in the sky and b) SNOW WAS COLD and she didn't want to become any colder than she already was.

She continued to cling to the broom until she felt it was safe to not do so anymore. Safe wasn't a good word to use, because right when she unclinged herself from the broom she felt ANOTHER snowball hit her in on the back of her shoulder. What the heck?! The force of the snowball didn't exactly knock her off her broom, but it did make her grip her broom tighter - just in case started to slip. She turned her broom around to face her boyfriend, who was acting all innocent. Psssh. "It's on, Fritzera," she said with a smirk.

Quickly, she lowered her broom to the ground and made three medium sized snowballs before shooting back into the sky. One snowball was thrown towards Livvy's head, the second snowball was thrown towards Jack's head. The head always seemed like the best place to target someone. Hehe. The other snowball she kept just in case her brother decided to come down anytime soon.

_______________________________You may hate me, but it ain't no lie: bye bye bye.
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