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He nodded slowly and sighed. "Mmhm. It's okay though. Tammy's just being more protective of me now." He laughed it off weakly. But really it wasn't as bad now. The chocolate helped.
He was a bit surprised at how upset she seemed that he was going though. She had always seemed reserved and shy. Hmm. "Hopefully the letter will help. Tammy was very persuasive. About how everyone will miss me and all that." He shrugged. "If I go I'll miss you though."
"Aww... Well it's good that she's taking care of you.." Peyton nodded, wishing she'd known before now.
"I hope so.. I'll miss you, too" she admitted and then moved to lean against the wall. Putting her hands in her robe pockets, she stared at the floor, wondering what she'd do if he wasn't around.