Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
"And that is precisely why I want your wand. ALL of your WANDS," Professor Bunbury announced to the class as a whole, glaring around at them all. "You will have no use for a wand in this classroom and I will see to it that no one feels the slightest bit of temptation to USE their wand AGAINST my plants. Again, this is for both your safety and that of the subject matter we are studying. If you cannot comply with this simple request then just LEAVE NOW. I will not repeat this again.
"All wands. In the bin." She did NOT have all day. VERY BUSY AND IMPORTANT Bunz was. "But Professor..." Evelyn complained, frowning, before taking a step closer and lowering her voice so only she could hear. "It's not really a good idea wand. I mean the last time someone did that-" Breaking off and shaking her head, she glanced around the room nervously before sighing and letting her head hang down slightly.
Bringing her arms back in front of her, she grabbed her right wrist. Her wand was still there thank merlin. She glanced quickly at the open door, then back to her wrist. Evelyn didn't know what to do. It was not good for anyone to take her wand away from her. It was practically for their safety that she kept it with her. She could already hear the voice laughing and taunting her in her mind.
Looking back up to the professor's face, specifically her eyes, she stared sadly for a few seconds before her expression hardened. Without moving her gaze, she took her wand out of her sleeve, holding the dark wood in front of her. "I doubt my wand would do you any help...professor." she whispered, her voice a little different than normal. 'Safety only huh? Argh! Stupid voice! Not now! Not with a Professor!' Evelyn yelled in her mind. 'You're gunna get me in trouble!' "But of course, just for safety reasons, hmm?"
Smirking and glaring at the same time, she dropped the dark wand into the bin and stared with an unblinking gaze for a few moments longer before turning and taking a seat farther away from the Professor. 'Don't you dare touch it, or USE it! That's my basilisk fang wand! Don't even look at it!' she thought, turning her gaze back on the bin and watching wherever it went. Evelyn was a bit protective of her wand... |