Theme 37: Relashio ♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ] RedRoses&&SilverSparks Theme 37: Relashio
When James entered the Kitchens, that night, the house-elves were clearly making ready for their beds. "Shawna," he called out, and the house-elf looked up. "James Potter!" she said happily.
He grinned - he liked Shawna, and it was clear the house-elf was pretty of fond him - but the action lacked the joy it usually held. The house-elf noticed, and looked concerned.
"Is James Potter not happy?" she asked, pulling at his sleeve. "Can Shawna get James Potter a cookie?"
"No, don't go," James said, a little wearily - he was tired, so tired. "Could you do me a favour, Shawna?"
"Anything -" the house-elf began.
"Thanks," James said. He held out the roses he had produced earlier, beautiful in the light though now they were wrapped. "Take these to - No wait," he paused, placed the tip of his wand into the bouquet. "Relashio!" He said, and sparks blew into the air, lovely and silver, enwrapping the roses. "Take this to the Gryffindor's girl dormitory, and place it next to Lily Evans' bed - she'll be the redhead -"
When he fell asleep, at three in the morning, he smelled of red roses, felt like silver sparks. |