Originally Posted by
unicornkeeper07 Rafe rushed to her side and knelt beside her. "Are you sure you're alright?" Rafe didn't think she looked to good, still pretty, but a bit off. "I could carry you back up the castle, you shouldn't walk, you could really hurt yourself. Maybe you should see the nurse, I'm sure she'll know what to do." Rafe rubbed her shoulder in a consoling way. "Rain check on snowball fight," he said with a wide grin trying to make her feel better.
"yea I'm fine" she said weakly. She felt sick like if she was about to pass out. "would you help me get to the nurse?" she asked Rafe . She slightly laughed as Rafe said he wanted a rain check . " Definitely" she said. She really didn't want to go to the nurse. She somehow had a phobia of them. "ummm actually can you help me get to the dorm I bet I'm just tired" she said to Rafe