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Old 10-25-2009, 04:10 AM   #346 (permalink)
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Jimbo will set his turtle loose on you. { The Farley } "That's trademarked, don't use it."

Originally Posted by luna_severus_26 View Post
Nicoletta had meant to head off to the Three Broomsticks. But, of course, she had had way too much caffine at dinner. She spotted a few students in her house and rushed over to say hi. "HI! I'm Nicoletta, first year."
Lyddia whipped around. She was startled at the sight of a girl her age behind her. She felt relieved and a bit annoyed at this interruption.

On one hand, the girl - Nicoletta, she said, right? - had broken the trance Evan had put Lyddia in with those eyes. On the other, she had broken the trance that Evan had put Lyddia in with those eyes.

'Hi,' Lyddia said to her, breathlessly. A boy hadn't had that much affect on her in...well never. What is up with his eyes?

'I'm Lyddia.' Saving time, she added, motioning to the boy behind her. 'This is Evan. I'm in first year too. He's in second.'

She made sure she didn't look behind her for it might be dangerous. He might still have his eyes open. She couldn't look at him right now. Nope.
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