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Lorcan laughed. "He's hoping no-one noticed? Why? He should be hoping that they would all be very jealous." Lorcan was surprised that he was managing to be so calm around these new people. He was very glad that he was and was thought that it probably had something to do with Lexi being sat next to him.
"Well, I have to be honest, I've never met anyone else called Lorcan. It's Irish. It means 'little fierce one'." He glanced at Lexi and grinned, thinking of the name she had started to call him. He supposed that it was very appropriate.
His smile flickered when she mentioned having lots of Gryffindor friends. He wished he could have lots of Hufflepuff friends. he recovered himself slightly and said "Alexandra was the first Gryffie that I met." He grinned again, remembering blowing apart the plank in Transfiguration. "She's been getting me in trouble ever since." he nudge her, letting her know that he was joking.
"Hi Katlyn, hi Rafe, good to meet you." He gave them a wave, hoping that he was being friendly enough.
Lucy laughed as Lorcan talked about Rafe.
"Oh, yeh, that makes sense, Lorcan definitely sounds Irish. I don't know why I didn't think of it! That's awesome. I wish my parents named me something Scottish..." Lucy said. Her love of her homeland was making her sad again.
"Anyways, glad to meet you." She laughed again as he said Alexandra had been getting him in trouble.
"Yes, Alexendra is quite a trouble-maker!" Lucy joked.
"So, what's new?" she asked everyone as she sipped her butterbeer.