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"You think I don't know it was my fault for defending Sienna? Of course I knew and I don't blame her," Reid said, pointing at Olivia, "for that. No for that I've been tearing myself apart and applying glamour charms so that no-one would know anything was wrong. I admit that I screwed up but I can't change it." Reid said tiredly, regretting ever drawing Rachel's attention to himself today. If he hadn't of then he could have avoided meeting with Livvy for a few more days. The few days it would take before he decided to give up on it and accept things. Because Reid knew he would have given up on Rachel in a few more days. Well maybe not completely but he would have resigned himself to the fact that he didn't have her.
"Your right she is your best friend and she's nothing to me so why does it matter if I trust her or like her?! You will anyway and I'll get over it." Reid exclaimed, sick of being the one that had to be understanding. Just because he was the man he had to seemingly understand girls and their mood swings. He had to understand when they said things that they wanted to take back. He had to understand when they wouldn't talk to you because of something you didn't even remember doing and he had to understand this too!
"Maybe you don't but I can't change who I am Rach. This is as much a part of me as the person you knew last year. It isn't the better part of me admittedly but I can't change it." Reid turned back so he was looking at them fully and his heart hurt by looking at Rachel's face. Even the emotions displayed on Livvy's face were getting to him. "I've never trusted people easily, and I've never been one to forgive easily. We're different like that Rach." Reid said turning away from both of them.
"OH for." Reid exclaimed. "Did I not say I'd try to trust her? I said I'd be civil and at the moment that's all I can do Rach. I know this can't be easy for you and maybe if not for this summer Livvy and I wouldn't be like this now." Reid raked his hand through his hair again in frustration.
"Livvy," Reid said turning to address the girl. "I did say actions speak louder than words. So show your sorry by being the best friend to Rachel you can be. Do that for a month without deliberately doing anything to harm Rachel, me or our relationship and I'll trust you." Reid said, hoping that this would be good enough because if not he was done.
Ok, so this was beginning to feel more and more like an argument - but it WASN'T. Nope - no sir. They had JUST patched things up and nothing would make them mad at each other. NOTHING.
Right - now that's clear... He used glamour charms?! That's SO cute.
She should have thought of that too. Rachel was about to comment fondly on that piece of information when he practically shouted at her. ... Well, he didn't SHOUT - but his tone was just as bad.
Not an argument, not an argument...
"Reid - I don't want to fight," she said, feeling pathetically hurt. She even felt little TEARS coming. Ugh.
"And so I'm just going to say that it would be nice if you liked my best friend since we're going to spend a lot of time together..." she said evenly, wishing that she could somehow wave her wand and make everything right between her two favourite people.
Unfortunately, there was no spell that could fix their relationship. Only time... And it has to be natural, not accelerated.
"I NEVER asked for you to change. Ever. Everyone has their flaws, and if this is yours then I am blessed. Reid, all I'm-" she replied, slightly surprised that he would think that. Had he misunderstood her that much? She really would not have him change... Because, she knew from experience, that changing oneself means changing EVERYTHING - and she wouldn't exchange Reid for some guy with sympathetic qualities. Ever. "Opposites attract..." she whispered quietly, the words slipping out too fast for her to reel them back in.
Moving on...
"Fine. But you weren't really being civil before..." Rachel folded her arms, slightly defiant. He COULD have been gentler, but she did understand. And while civil wasn't the word she would have used, he hadn't really been un-civil either. Which meant she couldn't be mad at him for that - and while she had plenty of other things to help her with that, she refused to think them.
This was NOT an argument, remember?
"And on that note - I'd like to leave this place. Speaking about personal problems with a Professor close by is just weird..." the sixth year attempted to lighten the mood, having noticed their HoM professor enter the alley right after Jake Upstead did, a few minutes ago. When she had been younger, the fact that teachers had lived was strange to her, yet after all those Aparecium issues that feeling had been quickly erased. Now, it was only weird to be near them while talking about your personal life - unlike before, when it was weird to see them outside the classroom.