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BanaBatGirl Annie wrapped her arm around Ethan's of course and then left the greenhouse without another glance at the prefect and the plants.
"He's clearly here to just make more problems," she muttered under her breath, scootwalking closer to Zan because it was cold outside. And she didn't have gloves. "Funny that you can't find your chihuahua. I can't find my wand."
Sadface. If she'd had it she would have summoned a nice hat/gloves ensemble from her office.
"He mentioned, when we spoke, that he is here to teach us a lesson. Us, mind you, not the students." Zan eyed Annie and snuggled his arm about her shoulders.
"You can't?, Cedric mentioned several professors have lost their wands. You don't suppose someone has taken it? Do you have anti-theft charms on your wand and holsters?" Ethan slid his sleeve up and flicked a cherry wood wand out of his holster, then replaced it a moment later. Long enough, perhaps, for Annie to notice it was not his own poisonwood wand.