Originally Posted by
Zoerawrr Glancing back down at the other boy, Jake called back, "Quidditch player," as an affirmative response to that. He was amazed he had thrown the ball with such accuracy... that even JAKE was shocked.
Hmmm. Good times.
Not thinking to help the girl as she got up (the girl who he vaguely remembered from his very first train ride to Hogwarts) Jake stood staring stupidly at the girl, blinking vaguely. "No," he said lightly, in his usual slurring way. "'Knew what it'd hit... aimed," Jake added, in case she hadn't picked up on that.
Hmmm, he supposed it was fun! "Yeah," Jake smiled, pleased she understood. "Fun."
Fun indeed.
"Hold thah thought," Jake suddenly exclaimed, searching through his pockets for his camera from muggle studies, winding it up, and then holding it at arms length, before snapping a shot of himself, the mangled suit of armour, and the sliiiiiightly ticked off...
Oh dear.
Jake's picture was not going to turn out well. Winnie was already at scowling point and now he wanted TO USE FLASH in the dungeon corridor! The lighting was AWFUL down here, she was going to be all. Washed. Out.
"You know perfectly well that the throwing of objects in the CORRIDORS is not allowed, Jake," Winnie said, tossing the ball back to him. "You could have hurt someone...namely me." She screwed up her mouth. "AND you took a photo without asking my permission and...well...it's not as if it's NOT ALLOWED but the lighting down here is abysmal and I'm going to look all washed out." She smiled in spite of herself. "Thumbs up for doing your homework." Then she crossed her arms. "Thumbs down for throwing things. You have a demerit now. And if I catch you playing Muggle dodgeball with the suits of armor in the castle again...well I'll probably give you another demerit.
And those add up MISTER."