Theme 15: Hurling Hex ♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ] The Last Time Round Theme 15: Hurling Hex
Dear Diary,
This is stupid. I mean who, in the name of Merlin's orange underpants with little duckies on them, writes a diary, these days?
Not that I want to. The last thing I, the handsome, awesome-at-quidditch, fangirled-by-dozens James Potter, would wish to do is waste my precious time writing in a big book full of pages that can't even say, "Hello! Seasons greetings from the Underworld." But I have to. I HAVE TO.
Why, you ask? Well, Sirius - that's my best friend, stupid diary - reckons it might bring me closer to Lily Evans. According to legend, Evans keeps a diary [dear God, please don't let this be true] and, as far as Sirius's theory of Diarivity goes, similar actions might make her see me in a different light, perhaps as a highly sensitive individual who is willing to make changes in his lifestyle for the sake of a girl.
Oh lookie, Lily just looked at me! Hope she's not thinking of the last time she saw me, the time she caught me placing a Hurling Hex on the Slytherin's captain broom before a practice match.
..... What? |