Originally Posted by
Constantine watched both kids carefully. He couldn't place it, but the vibe from them had changed. It was...so strange, especially to see LOUANN roll her eyes. She had seemed like a sweet kid, with a differing opinion, apparently. The way she had talked about the ornament, it had been scary.
"I didn't say I had to go anywhere," he sighed, looking up at the tree. "I was asking if you thought the tree needed anything else. 'Cause, if you do...then I can go get it from one of the house tables...Do you still need help getting that star on top, LouAnn?"
LouAnn felt just a little guilty over her change in attitude. She'd felt such a connection to Mr. Masterson, like he strangely represented home away from home or something weird like that. For a minute, she just froze in place and really stopped to consider her stance on werewolves. The fact that she hated them was solid truth. Mr. Masterson, though... Like Cope said...or indicated...he had to go. It had to be done. She sighed and started moving about again.
She just needed for him to maybe step away for a while. Too many decisions were having to be made right now. "I...I...I think we need an ornament from another table," she finally answered. "Maybe some silver streamers or something?" Her voice cracked a little, so she turned from him and looked back up at the tree. "Yup, I still need help..."
Originally Posted by
Mrs. Weasley
Abby is getting used to Cope ignoring her. It seems she always says the wrong thing around the guy, but where is LouAnn coming from? Abby looks in the box and finds some crystal bells. She holds one up and listens to the music it plays. Abby walks over to Mr. Masterson. "These would look lovely in the tree sir."
Oh, Abby! Good! A distraction! She smiled at the girl and studied the ornament she was holding up. It was pretty and played a nice little tune, as well. LouAnn still, of course, had no idea she'd practically attacked the girl in class just a little earlier. "Hey, Abby! I think those would look just lovely, too. Good choice..."