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Old 10-21-2009, 12:46 AM   #21 (permalink)
Josef Perry

Fairly Amazing
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 485

Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe View Post
Tibi looked up skeptically at the man who thumped him. "Hi. I'm Tiberius."

Wondering what was going on, Tibi ventured to ask a question. "Um.. I don't mean to be rude but why haven't we met you before?"
"TIBERIUS. Noble name. Very noble. Star Trek," he split his fingers in a salute and gave the boy a VERY solemn wink.

"Live long. And prosper."

Originally Posted by Miss Lissy Lou View Post
Jack blinked as he walked into the room. For a second, he looked around, as if he expected Borr to hop out and yell "BOOOOO!" and announce it was a late Halloween joke. But nooooo, that didn't seem to be happening. Then...who WAS this guy?

"Erm, hello Professor! Jack Fritzera, Gryffindor Quidditch Captain at your service," he said with a polite smile, introducing himself to the new professor. If he was going to have any hope of succeeding in his favorite class this term, might as well start being nice early.
OhohOH! "JACK FRITZERA GRYFFINDOR QUIDDITCH CAPTAIN. It is very good to meet you, my boy. Do you KNOW how lucky you are? Quidditch players... they're blessed. They're closer to the sky than anyone else when on their brooms. OOOOooooOOOOO. Celestial!"

Originally Posted by individual View Post
Evelyn was skeptical to enter the room. She needed to send a letter before heading to class, and from the noise coming inside...maaayybee she should come back later. Just about to turn away, there were other students filing into the room, dragging her with them.

'Great...' Glancing around, she noticed their was an adult there, and a little crowd of people. 'Huh, ok maybe i'll stick around for a little bit to see what this is...' she thought, before hearing someone say this was the astronomy class. 'Oh...Guess i missed that part.' grimacing, she stepped carefully to the back of the room, looking up to all the owls, trying to find No-Name before class started.
Originally Posted by Lezleighd View Post
Satine drug herself into the Owlery...she was not looking forward to another class with Lord Fat Pants Borr who had belittled her in class and on her homework. The new Satine was only looking forward to hassling the Lord for her own enjoyment. She was absolutely relieved and very surprised to see someone new in the seat that should've been occupied by the Lord.

She smiled at the new commer with a cautious grin..."Hi, I'm Satine Farris, Ravenclaw." she said as she walked past him and held out her hand....looking around trying to find a non pooped on clean spot to sit down on. She reached in her bag and flicked her wand at an area and said "Turgeo!" to clean a little are up for herself.

She was a little weary that this could possibly be a trick of the Lord's so she decided to keep her wand out just in case she needed to stun the old hag of a man.
Originally Posted by ravenclawrox*_* View Post
Skye was about to visit her owl, and maybe send a letter, when she noticed a rather enthusiastic man there, and some students. She blinked, thinking she had gone the wrong way, but after checking behind her, she was pretty sure this was the Owlery. "Erm...hello," she said, walking into the room hesitantly. She heard the guy announce this was Astronomy. So that guy was the professor...?
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd View Post
What is this and why was it in the Owlery? It's so smelly and...poopy.

Poking her head around the door, Miranda wrinkled her nose. So, she wouldn't use her nose...right now.
"Goot day, Professor..." Miranda greeted, blocking the air to get through her nose. She wasn't sure who this man was, but she grinned at him anyways.

Miranda walked over to...the non existant desks. So she ended up spinning around once, smiled akwardly at the Professor and just stood there. Waiting.
"HELLO. HELLO TO YOU ALL. Little wonderful student people. I am SO pleased you are here." Perry grinned broadly at them all. HE HAD SUCH EXCITING PLANS.

Originally Posted by destinyjazzhands View Post
Destiny walked into the owlery, not expecting an astronomy class. Noticing a man who was not professor Borr. 'Thank Merlin!' she said not meaning to actually say it aloud she immediatly covered her mouth. 'I mean, erm, hello Sir!'
"THANK MERLIN INDEED." Perry gave her a very polite fist bump. Or, you know... he fist bumped her arm.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
LouAnn nodded in reply to the man's question about The Lord Berty Borr. "Yes, that's him," she simply replied, wondering just how busy and important one person could be. Sigh. An Astronomy expert? Excellent! After the disaster of last lesson, hopefully they'd actually learn a thing or two this go round. "Oh, well I'm certainly glad to hear that we have an expert on hand!" she excitedly said. Maybe she, Cela, Jack, Kiri, and the others wouldn't necessarily need their little study group so much anymore. They could still have it, of course, but they'd just have real material from class to study.

"Hmm...I see. Busy and important," she repeated. "Well, in any case, what's your favorite part about Astronomy?" Surely an expert had a favorite part...or maybe a particular favorite topic to explore.
"Louann Purple, this is an EXCELLENT question. Very excellent. I will tell you MY FAVORITE thing about Astronomy, and then you all can take turns telling me about the things that YOU like best. Good talk."

He strode to the middle of the room and struck a pose. "My most very favoritest thing of all the things in Astronomy..." He paused dramatically and pointed one hand to the sky behind him. Disco was awesome.

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