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Old 10-20-2009, 07:57 PM   #241 (permalink)
Vampire_BaD_GiRl's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Louis Aberly
Fifth Year
Default Headmaster mission =]
Obsessed over Draco ♥ // Jamse's cheergirl / Photoshop addict // Team JACOB!

Originally Posted by Lezleighd View Post
Satine's eyes lite up as Cope began talking again. It was as if she couldn't make herself take her eyes off of him. She listened intently to the lists her read out and was excited to hear who all was on her team. Wow, what a good group of people, she thought, as she glanced around to see their reactions as well.

But then something overwhelmed her...if she was on the team that took out the could end her time at Hogwarts....but then the clouds rolled back in and she was instantly sure that this was the right thing to do for the cause and to stop werewolves...WOLF till the end! she kept repeating inside.

She glanced around waiting for someone to take the lead of naming a meeting place for the group, but when no one did, she glanced around and saw an area in the corner that would work perfect.

"Mission Headmaster Group, let's meet over in that corner."
she said with an evil grin once again glancing at Cope to make sure this was an acceptable action...why did she need his approval soo much.
I'm in the Headmaster team! Nataly thought exitedly. That was the hardest mission, and had most of the risks. She could get expelled, but this was for the best. And they would surely make efforts not to get caught. We can even study Occlumency if that'll be nesecarry. she thougt.
Memories from the joint Ancient Runes and Arithmancy class swept her. She had got runes that had very bad news. She knew she had to be very careful, but something told her she won't be lucky enough. Well, at least there aren't any werewolves in Beuxbattons. she though bitterly.

She went to the corner, and two girls were already there. One of them was the girl who became the secretary.
"Hey, I'm Nataly." she greeted them.

I'm back after a year-and-a-halh hiatus! If anyone still remembers me.

Last edited by Vampire_BaD_GiRl; 10-20-2009 at 09:15 PM.
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