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Old 10-20-2009, 01:21 PM   #182 (permalink)
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♫ ♥ Where are my garters?! / hyphens-are-cool / THE NORTH GATE ♥ ♫

Helena watched as Chris stood up; she hadn't been smiling in a few moments, but her face fell even further as he walked away from her and even more as he spoke. Why did they have to get into this now? Why could she not have a happy bubble for more than a few hours without it being interrupted??

Lena looked away from him, her eyes falling on nothing in particular as she rested her chin in her hands. Nothing's happening, Chris, she said, finally looking back at him even though she might not have been being truthful with him, depending on exactly what he meant. And it doesn't have to be confusing. She could walk away right then.
Welcome to the jungle.__________________________________Everything's going to change.
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