Originally Posted by
ginny37 Alexandra giggled and said, "Well, I believe the swamp was preserved because it was such good magic. I read it somewhere." She shrugged and began to look around. "These statues are quite ghastly aren't they?!" she said in a hushed tone afraid that someone or one of the statues would overhear her. "So, what do you wanna do now?" she asked with an eviul glint in her eye.
Ellie bent under the rope and sniffed the swamp.
"It's very accurate," she stated.
"Why create a swamp? Seems stupid," she thought. If she were to create a great piece of magic, it would probably involve food.
"Wonder if anything lives in there? Who knows how long the swamp's been here..." she said aloud, reaching into the pocket of her robes. She pulled out a small pebble, something she collected outdoors, and tossed it into the swamp. It landed with a squish and slowly sunk into the muck.
After a few seconds, it vanished, but nothing more happened.
"Batty," she mumbled. She walked over to the statue of Gregory the Smarmy and hopped atop the podium where he stood. She grabbed a hold of his arm and playful swung her body around.
"If I were to make a statue to put here, it wouldn't be these old two. I reckon I'd make a giant werewolf statue, real scary," she laughed.
Ellie had a number of things she was eager to do, mostly involving exploring and mischief. She couldn't tell if the other girl was ready for some fun trouble-making or not. Then she remembered she had homework to do.
"Say, you done the Muggle Studies homework yet?" she asked, hopping down and rummaging through her bag for the small yellow box containing the strange muggle camera.
She quickly read over the instructions and analysed her surroundings. Professor Dumont wanted the photographs to be creative. Ellie grabbed her rose scarf and wrapped it around Gregory the Smarmy's neck. She giggled as she struggled to work the camera, but eventually it made a flash and a click, which she believed meant it worked.
"Why don't we go to the suits of armour?" she asked, quickly gathering her things.
"We could pose them! I'm sure it'd be funny," she said, eager to run down the stair cases. She liked when they suddenly moved. She glanced over to Gregory, where her rose scarf remained on his neck.
"It looks better on you," she told him, decided to leave that blasted girly scarf behind. It was, after all, a gift from her aunt.