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Neville slightly sighed but tension was in the air.he could be atacked any moment
"yeah,yes Malfoy yes its me Neville...Draco...me,i am Neville...snap out...you are under a curse" Neville was trying his best to try work this out by mere talking which he thought was not posiible but he was trying,but he had his wand with him too.
Draco come out mate...its your wretched aunt who is making you do all this Neville pleaded but he had slightly confident voice while he was talking Draco
Draco smiled, a crack of his mouth. "Longbottom...Remebrall...Got..." He chuckled.
"Kill him!" Bellatrix bellowed as her wand dug into his head. He yelped in pain and fell, rising with a sinister face.
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I walked down and saw Draco. He looked almost..dead. "What happened?" I asked to no one in particular. My head hurt a lot and I collapsed to the floor. "Ugh. Don't worry about me, what happened to him?" I asked.
"Good of you to join us, Mudblood. Kill her first." Bellatrix commanded as Draco turned.