Excellent Rosa/Pansy face off there, I hope there's scope for more??
Is Bellatrix at this dinner? or is that me mis-reading it?
Oh believe me, that's not the last of the Rosa/Pansy action. There's much more to come 
And... yea, Bellatrix was there, you didn't misread it. It's not like she's super important in that setting but you didnt misread it.
&I'm glad you all enjoyed that update! I'll update the next.. half of the chapter now (well, in a minute, after I read through and edit anything I messed up and missed). Yeah, the next half with Draco/Rosa action so... 
P.S: ... yea, sorry for lack of updating. Life is insane. I'm doing like, 2 years of high school in one cause I was in France last year and nothing counted...
I'll try and do better
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 10-17-2009 at 10:20 PM.