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Bellanina Carmela was tired and cold, but not tired enough not to spend rest of the night with her best friend. Carmela grabbed herself a Butterbear, and a tall glass of water.
"So, What have you been up to? She asked Lyddia, then drinking some her watter.
Carmela wanted to everything about everything that Lyddia has been up to, she missed to much and must catch up on her best friends life, Lyddia's life just as much a carmela's buisness.
Lyddia frowned at Carmela. Why did she get a Butterbeer
and a glass of water? She ignored it anyhow. Carmela could do weird things, but then again, so could Lyddia.
'Well, not much really. Mostly just classes, homework and social interactions.' She paused. Should Lyddia mention
who she met? She shook the thought. She'd mention it if Carmela asked.
'What about you? How come you've naught been anywhere?' OOC: Lmao, I'm not sure I used that properly but I don't care, I like it like that.