Thread: Suits of Armor
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Old 10-17-2009, 12:44 AM   #73 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom View Post
"You think I'm lying, don't you?" He frowned at her. "You're right about everything that happened in the courtyard, Kay really is a bit..." He stopped, feeling that it would be a betrayal to say that Kay was messed up. "But you think I'm a liar, that I'd lie to you for her benefit, don't you?" He couldn't hide how hurt he was. "Y'know I'm sick of trying to prove that people can trust me. I'm not a liar Alexandra."

Oh that did it! "Lorcan, I am not trying to say that you are a liar. You just covered up for your friend, you didn't want her to seem so... i dunno... screwy. I get it. I would do the same for one of my friend's but I heard the conversation so I know that that was not the whole story, Lorcan." SHe took a deep breath in throught the nose and out through the mouth. "See, Lorcan I have a problem also. Everyone either assumes that I am this fragile little girlly girl that cannot handle the reality of life, or that I am not trustworthy because I am a bit of a sneaky little prankster. Well, I don't like having to prove myself to anyone either, Lorcan. It doesn't feel good when people make assumptions about you, does it." she hissed at him. She was getting so angry that hers eyes were starting to water.
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