DMT Mountain Troll
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Originally Posted by iluvharrypotter7 Lucy immediately noticed the way she dropped her gaze as she explained she was a first year.
"Aww, don't look sad, I love making new friends, no matter what year! Infact, I think I have more first year friends than fourth year! I love firsties--and I would LOVE to be your friend!" Lucy smiled happily at Alexandra, and took a bite of her cereal.
"So, how are you liking Hogwarts so far?" she asked her. Alexandra perked up immediately and smiled brightly at Lucy. "I have really only made friends with the older kids. I have always been surrounded by older people, so it feels natural, you know." She grabbed her glass of pumpkin juice and took a swallow before saying, "I absolutely love it here! Besides a mean little Slytherin and an annoying Hufflepuff everyone has been so nice." |