Originally Posted by
Super Spaz
"That was a good try," Theo smiled at Ariana, "Next time, maybe you need to bring your wand down faster. Like you were trying to karate chop it."
Theo stepped forward. He didn't really want to practice the spell. He knew he would fail on it. It would take weeks of constant practice to get it right. "Deprimo," he said, slicing his wand down. Well now there was another crack, on the other side. "Your go again."
Arianna felt inspired by Theo's supportive words.
" Good one!" she said to him, then, she she made the same karate motion, and even added a little
YAAAAA! to go with it as she shouted
Deprimo, but unfortunately she ended up hitting her wand in the wooden plank, making it fly away a few feet back. Her face was crimson red as she retrieved it from between a few fellow students legs.
She eyed the plank and there was another little crack there.
"I guess I shouldn't have done it so enthusiastically.. " she said awkwardly and giggled.