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Old 10-15-2009, 03:55 AM   #1236 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor

Ferris's smile widened at the sight of Vianna's smile as she spoke about her cousins, listening as she told him that she had more cousins from her dad's side, though she was closer to the ones on her mother's side. He was about to ask a question when they were suddenly at the front of the line and Ferris turned to the man at the front desk. "Bonjour. Vous ne voulez pas arriver à avoir une télévision et une sélection de films, diriez-vous?" he asked politely. The man responded before leading them back into a room with a few extra televisions and a large shelf of classic movies. "Parfait, je vous remercie," Ferris said with a smile before the man used a spell to send one of the televisions up to their room and left them to choose a couple movies. "What do you want to watch, Vi?" he asked her.
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