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Standing in one place in this kind of weather was not a particularly good idea, and Mariel began to shiver somewhat as she still kept one eye on the strange girl. "Yeah. It's cold," she repeated flatly to Nathaniel as she removed her gloved hands from her pockets to tug her hat down further over her ears. "Oh. That's alright," she said with a soft shrug. It didn't matter that much although she did wonder what his rush was.
Mariel gave Nathaniel an appraising look as he mentioned his clothing. She gave an approving nod. "I like it, it's cool." The fifteen year old turned her eyes in the direction of the shops which she was sure had to be much warmer than where they were standing, before glancing back at Nathaniel and unnamed girl. Certainly they were not going to stand around with Miss Damsel-in-Distress, right? It was far too cold for that.
Nathaniel had helped the unknown girl. That's all he was supposed to do..right? He noticed that Mariel was shivering. Cue to go into a shop. Maybe the cold was just getting to Mariel but whatever it was she didn't seem in the best of moods. He had wanted to play in the snow. That wasn't going to happen. Next time. Not like they were going to run out of snow any time soon. He got closer to Mariel
"Do you want my coat?". Boyfriendly duties.. yes? It was cold out but he could deal with not having a coat on for a little while if Mariel needed it.
"You've got to see the other hat that Gran got me. It's so funny.". He had failed to mention to his grandparents that Mariel and him were dating. He'd have to include that in the next letter.
He grabbed one of her gloved hands and smiled at her.
"Want to go into one of the shops?" he asked. His treat. He really didn't care which one they went into. He just figured that Mariel was cold and wanted to be warm.