Originally Posted by
fish_kid Nathaniel had been watching Torin and some girl exchange words for a few seconds and hoping that Mariel would join him. It was cold out and he wanted to go to some shops while he was out. Then all of a sudden someone RAN INTO HIM from behind. He turned around to see a girl he didn't know now on the ground and the contents of something strewn all over the ground. "Need some help?" he asked as he extended a gloved hand to the girl.
If there was one thing that Mariel plain did not like it was the cold and today was far too bitter and windy for her taste. Still, it was a Hogsmeade weekend and she had been looking forward to it for a few weeks even more so that Nathaniel had asked her to go with him. Although why he did not wait for her in the castle so they could walk together was beyond her, but knowing that he was male and that that particular species was a bit strange and usually had no reason whatsoever for doing bizarre, unexplainable things, Mariel saw no reason to give the matter further thought.
But that did not change the fact that she was now outside and freezing. Pulling her scarf tighter around her face and shoving her gloved hands deeper into her pockets, the brunette's eyes darted around the street for any sign of the Gryffindor boy. Thankfully she spotted him not too far away.
"Nathaniiieeelll," she whined, voice muffled under her scarf as she nearly caught up to him.
"Wait up!" Why he was in such a hurry, she did not know. As she neared, the 15 year old caught sight of a girl sprawled on the ground near him.
"Hello," she called to her distractedly, as she watched her with a sort of detached interest.