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Raiden had kinda spaced out for a minute, listening to the Professor's voice and staring at the floor just in front of his feet. However, he did notice the shifting near him when Kiri suddenly gulped down her hot chocolate. He snapped out of his daze and shifted his eyes to her; he hadn't realised she was next to him! His cheeks went pink and he reached out a hand to lightly pat her back, but she was done with her silent coughs before he could. Withdrawing the hand, he bit the inside of his cheek and looked instead at the professor as she read on.
Kiri had cute pajamas.
Kiri's ears were listening to the story. Her eyes were watching the two younger students sitting a few pillows away (although the boy had just got up and left, so that part of the entertainment seemed to be over). Kiri's brain was somewhere else altogether.
She wasn't quite sure if that was because of Healer Melita's cookies or Raiden - or both - but, she considered, nibbling on yet another biscuit, it didn't really matter much at this point. She felt surprisingly cheerful.
And Raiden was finally acknowledging her existence! That was...
chomp chomp, the cookie was gone... even better. Kiri had paid enough attention to recognise that the story Professor Lupa was reading out was picking up speed. She scooted closer on the pillow until she sitting next to Raiden. "Fun story, isn't it?" she whispered quietly, giggling a very un-Kiri-ish giggle. "Want a biscuit?"