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Old 10-12-2009, 03:17 PM   #29 (permalink)
Krel Ansell

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Originally Posted by Liisa View Post
The professor smiled warmly as Daisy went on with her story. How cute was she?! Trying to take care of it all by herself. When Ili saw the embarrassed look on her face, she decided that it was time to put her out of her misery. "Of course, Daisy. I think I might have something..." she said, sweeping over towards the wardrobe in the corner. She flung the doors open and bent down, pulling out a pretty, white cage from the bottom shelf. "I'm sorry that it isn't a mouse cage," she said, walking it back over. "It used to be Vincent's. He doesn't use it anymore but I kept it around just in case," she explained. "It's charmed to be lighter than air for easy transport. Do you think it will do?"
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
Chris shook his head yes, and then he laughed a bit. He had been trying to keep his cool the whole time he had been here. He had been dying to tell her! Try-outs had passed awhile back and he had seen the list in the Common Room not too long ago. "Well yes it has always been a dream of mine to play Quidditch here. And I attended the try-outs. I think I must have done good..." he paused for dramatic effect, but it was kinda ruined by the bout of laughter he couldn't contain any longer. "Because I made it!!! I'm a beater!" he cheered happily!
“You made the team?” Daisy inquired of the boy standing next to her. As he shifted, she noticed for the first time that he had a prefects badge on his shirt. Daisy wondered how anyone had the time to be both a prefect and on the quidditch team but left the question to herself. After all, she hardly had anytime to get her homework done, let alone find the time to try out for quidditch. But being on the team was quite important to a lot of people, and so Daisy felt it was important to commemorate people’s accomplishments. “Congratulations.”

Professor Morgan stood up producing a very pretty white cage. “Oh wow,” Daisy said as he mouth fell open a little. She hadn’t been expecting anything more then maybe an iron cage or a glass aquarium. “This is great. Thank you professor!” Then she paused upon hearing who the cage used to belong to. “Um, who’s Vincent?”
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