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Anna Banana LouAnn smiled at Audio when he asked if she was alright. It was nice to know people were concerned about you when they thought you to be in trouble. "Thanks, Audio. I appreciate it," she replied. "I think I'm alright now. I've been thinking about going to the hospital wing, but a part of me thinks that they'd probably think I was insane if I went in claiming to have lost entire parts of my day. I don't know, it's like, sometimes I'm very aware of what's going on, then other times time has passed without me being aware of it." She often wondered what happened during those time periods, but she tried not to dwell on it for too long.
LouAnn's eyebrows wrinkled even further when Jake started mumbling about something she couldn't understand. "Wait---whaa? Jake, I don't understand. What are you trying to say?" Not...a good...healer? That's what LouAnn thought he said there in the end. "Not a good healer? Is that what you said?" Something wasn't right with Jake, although, LouAnn didn't really know what. "Jake, what's happened? What are you not telling us?"
"Well... I'm not sure what the healers are like there- but if they were any of so professionals in there then they should believe you. I mean, why would you be making it up?" He looked from her to the boy who's name was apparently Jake. He actually got a bit worried when LouAnn asked what he wasn't telling them. That would make sense.
"She... what? Cookies?" he rose an eyebrow.
"What kind of healer does that?" he asked, looking at Jake before letting out a scoff. He was going to say something before he noticed the bruises on his neck. Then Jake said something about Devils snare to Louann and he nodded.
"Oh- Did the Devils Snare do that to you?" he asked curiously.