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Old 10-11-2009, 04:51 PM   #106 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by midget ♥ View Post
"ooooh.." Lucille was his best friend? WELL WELL WELL. Lucille needed to get her paws off of Warren. Because WARREN WAS TAMMYS FRIEND.

And Lucille, WAS NOT HIS GIRLFRIEND! It was just implausible. Not fair.

"That Warren. Her supposed boyyfriend. I'll ask though, how is she your best friend? Shes just a... silly child... WHO STEALS PEOPLES FRIENDS AS THEI BOYFRIENDS." Tammy hissed, quietly.

She liked Lucille. But she didn't like seeing her with Warrreennn.
Edem observed Tammy's expression as she seemed to have thoughts going in her head. Hmm.. Was she jealous? Edem wanted to steal another glance over the pillar and have a better look at the guy, but he held back.

"We've known each other since we were.. 3? 4?" he said, admitting in his mind that he'd forgotten when he first met Lucille. All he knew was that they have been friends ever since, and best friends since God-knows-when.

Now a frown appeared across Edem's face.

"Boy--boyfriend?" that sleepy-eyed guy? NO WAY. What was Lucille thinking? Goodness, no. He would've spoken it out loud if only they weren't in hiding, and if Tammy didn't seem to like him that much. "S-since when?" Seriously? Considering Tammy's personality, Edem stupidly half-hoped that she'd tell him she was only kidding.
it's been about three years now, ain't seen or heard from you,

I've been missing you crazy..

♥Ameh's Favourite♥
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