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Evelyn laughed and shook her head. "No, no, it's alright. I'm just a very jumpy person." she said, smiling slightly. "But maybe next time, tap me on the shoulder...or throw a paper ball or something. Make sure I'm not holding my wand first though." she warned Destiny, smirking mischievously.
"Thanks." Evelyn said, turning her attention to the quill that sat on the table, picking it up and staring at it. "It was a gift from my uncle for my eleventh birthday. I don't know what kind it is though." she said, twirling it in the light, then glancing towards Destiny for a split second. "He travels around a lot. Hardly get to see him that often, and now since school has started..." she trailed off and smiled sadly at the quill before putting it down again.
"I know what you mean on homework. I barely can get everything in on time." Evelyn half smirked, tapping the table with her fingers, waiting for the study thing to start. "So you liking school so far? Any favorite classes or anything?"
Looking behind her when she heard someone speak, she saw another girl from their house. She had seen her around before, but never actually spoke to her. "Oh, of course." Evelyn said sweetly, right after Destiny spoke. "Evelyn Flores, by the way."
'I'll have to remember that!' Destiny acted like she was writing something down. 'Don't scare Evelyn when she has her wand!'
Destiny quickly turned her attention back to the quill. 'Hmm, maybe there is a way to find out where it is from. This library should have something on quills.' Destiny started looking at all the books, like she would spot the right one.
'Have you ever traveled with your uncle? My family never really has time to travel, with their jobs and everything.' Destiny didn't want to tell Evelyn that they couldn't really afford to travel either.
'Classes have been great so far! Well, all except for astronomy. I never want to go there again!' The fact was Lord Borr scared her. He scared her more than Professor Lupa, and she was a werewolf! She continued to look around the room still searching for a quill book.