Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor Ferris listened to Vianna's shrieks, cringing slightly at the sound of them before he watched her turn to him, instructing him quickly to tell the man they would pay for the things, just to make him stop. He quickly stepped in front of the broom, standing in front of the man and letting out rapid French, "Nous allons le payer! Nous allons le payer! Il suffit de mettre le balai vers le bas et nous paierons pour l'ensemble de l'étoffe." The man replied in speedy, angered French, forcing the boy to take a slight step back onto a couple chips. Ferris glared slightly at the man, obvious disbelief in his face before responding in his own form of slightly angered French. They went at this for a while, every once in a while the shopkeeper trying to get around Ferris to hit the squirrel with a broom.
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