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Where on earth was she? It was dark..cold..creepy and all dungeon like.
Yea the thought that this was a dungeon leading to the slytherin common room didn't occur to her mind. Lyra looked around and got the chills just being here and she had just wanted to take a walk! ..on the school grounds! how on earth did she ended up here?
Releasing, much to late, that she had walked the wrong way after she had left the Common Room and instead of going towards the Great Hall she had walked further in to the dungeon to the other side. Although she was scared at first because she couldn't find anyone, her eyes adjusted to the dark, yet fire litted corridor and started to hum the Jaws theme song....only to scare herself even more....
Evan walked down the corridors, shivering a little as he did. It was cold here! He hurried to reach the warm Common Room, he heard some noises down there. Who was that, and what was it doing? He lit his wand and raised it to check. Seeing the black hair and brown eyes, he relieved, but was also confused. How come he found Lyra wherever he went?
Fate... Chucking at the thought, he greeted
"Hey there." and lowered his wand. Er... again, what was she doing here too? It was still the other side of the corridor.