Originally Posted by
Saz Hale Kevin shurugged at said "At least 6 months but it could be longer and of course i will come back and visit you Tammy" Kevin felt a bit sad but he had to stay focused
"EEEE. So are you going straight after school, or wil you be able to come camping in the summer?" Tammy asked quickly.
Originally Posted by
Harron Peasley Coming out of the Ravenclaw Common Room, Laura turned into the corridor and caught sight of two people she thought she recognised. Speeding up, she saw that the were indeed Tammy and kevin, two friends she hadn't seen in FOREVVER! Her smile widening, Laura skipped towards them, on her toes, and paused beside them.
"Herrrloo!" she began, before seeing that something was wrong. They bothe seemed so sad, and Laura was trying to be happy. Well, not trying, but the effects of the cookies where still on her. "What's up?" Laura asked curiously, not meaning to pry. It just came out.
Another person. Someone cheery. Laura.
"Oh Laura. Everythings falling apart, I'm leaving. Kevins leaving... Its all WRONG."