♪ Golden Badger ♥ clawdia & taylour ♥ Huffie Cappytain ♫
Tristan looked at Sienna as she made a good point. "Yeah, he is drawing way too much attention to himself!" he nodded, putting on a mock serious face. But what did he know, Quidditch was all about players wanting attention, right? "How dare he, doesn't he care for the trophy at all, maybe it want's some attention too!" he said joking. Hopefully Sienna would get his humour. He only knew one person that did, atleast someone new, and that was Mozzie.
A big laugh escaped him as he heard the future plans of Sienna. How true that was, making Quidditch uninportant. Tristan remembered his manners and shut his mouth, though a grin threatened to appear. "Who knows, one day, it might be possible..." he smirked. "What, you don't like Quidditch? It's only like the greatest game in the world!" "Whatever people see in that sport, is beyond me..." Tristan mumbled, squinting as he flipped another page of the book.