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"Magenta" she replied, returning Cedric's handshake. After glancing hesitantly towards the professor who'd just given his final tussie mussie call, she took the boys creation from his hand and examined it. "Uh..." she didn't even know the names of the flowers. She grabbed her text book and flicked to the page that contained the table of flowers and their meanings.
"Ok, This is a ah...Hibiscus and that means....'rare beauty'. This one here is and cry-zan-thum-um-um? no Crysanthemum which means 'I love'. Annnd this one here is a rose! That means...oh wait that has a number of meanings but I'm gonna guess this one symbolises eternal love?". Magenta stared at the tussie mussie in utter confusion. "You're in love with a rare beauty? Eternally in love with a rare beauty?" she asked, her tone full of doubt at the prospect of this prediction being even remotely correct
"A pleasure to meet such a fine young lady like you, Magenta." Cedric answered gently. Tada! His princeness was coming out of him again, and he should hide it cause he don't want anyone know that he is a prince. He glanced at the girl as she scoured down at their textbook.
"Umm, Hibiscus yep rare beauty... and Cyrsanthemum right means love and truth and optimism also and Rose means eternal love. You got it all correct Mademoiselle err.. Magenta." And he just did it again, he should practiced more and more, to learn to hide his royalty and all. Its now he's turn to interpret the girl's tussie mussie then oh, what?! The girl asked him if he's eternally in love with a rare beauty, she's really good at Floriomancy, she's absolutely right.
"Yeah, precisely." he smiled feebly then he perused their textbook so he can give his interpretation to the a little bit subtle girl.
"Dahlia symbolizes dignity, elegance, forever thine which is rather correct, I guessed. And Hollyhock is associated with fertility and fruitfulness. And Thistles supposedly symbolizes protection.. Umm, err.. I think that means err..your a very private or a well-reserved person as dignity, elegance and forever thine are linked to protection.. and fertility depicts that puberty had hit you as it fertility generally means growth." Cedric answered hoping that his interpretations would suffice.