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Josh coughed. Girls were amazing at taking the signs of emotions. He stared at the daffodil wondering if it was too obvious for the whole class or just for Abigail. He nodded as she mentioned that Rose was pretty. ''Yeah, i do agree'' he said since resisting or ignoring the truth was not something a person like him would do. ''Well... i said i was not sure about it but just look at her...'' he did a little indicate with his nose towards her ''...she's from one of that all pure and proud Slytherin families. Don't get the impression that i'm scared of them but you know she might not want to get in trouble with her parents just for a plain Gryffindor with a muggle dad and a blood traitor mom'' he replied '' I just dont want her to get...stressed and unhappy because of me'' he sighed than smiled at Abigail ''You dont have to keep it as secret and, yes, i might not be sitting here if you had not announced that you needed a partner since i have not learned how to read minds yet''
Abigail laughed
“It’s got nothing to do with you reading minds, but I’m sure you’ll learn how to read minds when you’re older.” She looked over at the Slytherin girl before turning back to Josh, and leaning over the table.
“I don’t know her, but as another pureblood girl who expected to be in slytherin like her brother and most of her family, believe me when I say, don’t make any assumptions. She wouldn’t be your friend if she had a problem with your dad being a muggle.”