sugary sweet Evil Pastry Lady
Warren swallowed hard as his assumption was affirmed. It was her. By his name whispered from her lips he knew it to be true. Now though he wasn't sure how to react. He had taken so many months to get to the somewhat resemblance of normal he was now. When she had left him...refused his had cut him deeply. Now he was starting to recover and he was left with this.... Clenching his jaw he stood up and placed his notepad back in his pocket. He couldn't deal with this. Not now. Walking toward the exit he said over his shoulder, "Let her go Prometheus." Stopping at the doorway he placed his hand against it and looked at her a misture of anger, anguish, and longing in his eyes. "If you want to be put away go see Forrester. I will not do it." Turning down the corridor he headed for the breakroom.