GUESS WHO'S BACK. BACK AGAIN ♥ Team Samssy ♥ Confirming her sanity? Hah. This girl was hardly what Samson would consider 'sane', but by his own biased standards, only a chosen few were sane. But, Alex didn't need to know that.
She flipped her hair again. Her hair was really pretty and all, unusually so, but he was getting really irritated. He wanted to hand her a hair tie about then. Hehe. Juuust kidding. He didn't have a hair tie with him. Never did. Because that would just be... weird.
And then she asked. Again. Ah, Samson was starting to want to label her the 20 Questions girl. "Well. Let's just put it this way. It's my last year and things have been going better for me than they have been going in the past 6 years," he said with a grin. And it was true. Putting his years together from 1 to 6 only came thiiis close to his happiness now. Sappy and corny, maybe, but happy nonetheless.
__________________ -IVANHART- |