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Her brows furrowed in concentration and somewhat confusion. 'A little surprise to show his ideas about...me? What did that mean?' She sat up straight and let her legs slip off the chair as she held onto the desk when she heard him break off his sentence for a split second. She was just about to ask if there was something he needed to say, but he continued to speak, changing the subject and suggesting to go to the kitchen. Slowly closing her mouth, she studied him for a few more seconds before getting off the desk and moved to pack her things. "Sure." she said quietly, smiling up at him and then looked down to her bag, flipping the top over and securing it before picking it up and swinging it over her shoulder. Evelyn decided to let it be. If he wanted to say something, then she would let him on his own time, but for now, she wouldn't push him to do anything. "Do you know where it is? The kitchen i mean."
He did not look away as she stared at him, apparently weighing and measuring the meaning of his words. Just kept staring at her as if he was trying to read her mind. For a second thought he had nothing to worry, actually, since he did not say anything bad or wrong, however could not help giving out a sigh og relief as she did not question him about his
'quick answer' for the
'quick question' . '
What a game of such a creative mind!'. Making up his mind quickly he replied her question just like nothing had happened ''Not the exact location'' he said as he walked to pick up his belongins too
''But i heard the rumour that it is around where a lot of Hufflepuffs are'' when he was finished with tucking his belongins into his bag he made his way to the door
''Let's find out''