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Old 10-05-2009, 03:20 PM   #91 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ottery St. Catchpole
Third Year
quill Now if I could just tie it all together ...
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

Madison waited in anticipation ... watched the clock as the dials moved and still she waited. By the fifth cup she had waited enough. Madison was not one to sit and watch her life pass by as she let some boy play with her emotions. She stood up dropped a few notes on the table picked them up and exchanged them for muggle money and she pushed the chair back and walked out. She stood outside the door for a second, daring to look up and down both sides of the street in one last vain hope then put on her shades and started down the busy street.

She didn't like the taste of being stood up.

"What the hel are you still doing here?" Teddy asked as he kept punching one of the guys.

"I think he's unconscious now, Teddy you can stop," Freddie replied, pulling his friends arm back and holding it.

"I know, I just wanted him to wake up with the mother of all headaches."

Freddie sat down on the sidewalk and Teddy joined him as they both tried to catch their breath. In a few moments the police would likely show up along with the Ministry's aurors seeing as they had set off an explosion earlier and there had been a few spells exchanged.

"C'mon kid," Teddy said, then looking around and seeing no one pulled the kid to a red call box nearby.

"Teddy what the ..." the brown haired boy didn't wait to hear his companion but just pushed the boy into the call box, followed after him, shut the door and after muttering a spell they were gone in seconds.

Still sitting on the fence, Prince smiled and watched as Ministry of Magic Aurors came to see what had happened to their mates. Soon after the police arrived and the memory charms and reparations began. Prince yawned bored and headed back to the office.

*Flower*: I hope your toes are feeling better sweetie. I know you've got a life, I do too ... sometimes *sighs* It's okay if you're not here like everyday ... sometimes you are sometimes you're not it's cool. Just don't be a stranger and pop in whenever you like let me know what you're up to.

Connie: I was kidding earlier Connie but thank you for commenting on what you liked in my story. It's always helpful to a writer to know what people like or don't like in their stories. I love criticism as long as it's instructive and given with the best of intentions ... as yours is. I love Tiffany too, she's there to keep Teddy and Otty from getting too far out of line ... and when they do get out of line, she's the one who puts them back
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