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"Poor you!" Kita said, "I'm sure Kay did well, not too sure on myself but that's another story." She poured herslef a glass of juice and said, "I don't think i can ever get sick of flying. It'll definitely take my ming off things. Especially homework."
Kita looked at Kay and said, "I don't know. I hope so. I hope you get the post you want,"
"We'll see, but for now let go have some fun." Kay said hopping up from the table. "Before we have to back inside. Lets try the pitch and if we can't because of other try outs or flying lessons, we can go down by the lake." Kay said. She felt loads better after eating. She would have to remember to eat more than once a day. "Kita, your the greatest. Thanks. Guys I'm so glad to have made such great friends." Kay said smiling. "Come on."