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Old 10-04-2009, 04:04 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freds_caribbeangirl View Post
Rhea tilted her head and looked at him as he spoke.
"Well they are cool!And they are soooo cute." She took another bite of her sandwhich.

"Oh football.." She rolled her eyes.
"My sister is obsessed with that muggle game. It's definitely not my thing. Though those muggle men are mmmm..." She sipped her drink and grinned. She was sure Ray didn't want her going off about football playing muggle guys.
"Personally I'm not into muggle sports, nor do I give them the time of day, but my sister is."

"Sure. I don't use him much to be honest. We mostly hang out at the lake together, so whenever you wanna use him he's all yours." After a while she frowned.
"What in Merlin's Beard is Seattle?" she asked, the sandwhich mid way to her mouth.
Edem was trying to picture the crup then. Puppies.. Flat tails.. Flat? He didn't know why suddenly the thought of blueberry belts. Tsk. He didn't find blueberry belts in the bag of sweets that Rhea gave him earlier. They were good though, except for the ones that shaped like cockroaches--he didn't even want to touch them. EW.

"Ookay Rhea, it's alright you know, my muggle friends squeal over them all the time." he chuckled as he cut another slice of pudding. After that one, there would be only one slice left. Well, he was a fast eater. "I'm so into muggle sports, but not exactly football.. I prefer basketball and softball. Seriously." then he chewed his pudding. He loved the stickiness of it--well, at least since he managed not to let it stick his jaws together.

Edem raised an eyebrow. "You don't know where Seattle is? Shut up!" Oops. So the American spirit in him just came out. By 'shut up' he wasn't exactly telling Rhea to be quiet--what's it in UK English? 'Rubbish' maybe? "It's in the USA.. That's where I come from." he said again after swallowing.
it's been about three years now, ain't seen or heard from you,

I've been missing you crazy..

♥Ameh's Favourite♥
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